Gypsy skirts are a real treat for those people who love and enjoyed wearing hippie clothes. Feeling the sense of freedom and the nostalgia coupled with what could only be called true femininity make these boho skirts really an attractive fashion options.
These hippie skirts were also often patterned after cholis like the harem skirts or pants you think of as well, tight fitting to the body, or draped over with a piece of matching fabric over the shoulder or over the face. For Renaissance fairs you might throw in a coned hat with matching cloth draped from it.
But, if you are unfamiliar with these skirts, think back to what girls wore frequently in the 60’s or might wear now to a Renaissance fair. Besides the bell bottom jeans, girls were mostly noted for wearing dresses and long skirts made of flowing materials. Sometimes they were broomstick skirts that were tie dyed or tiered. Either way gypsy skirts are now iconic symbols of the 60’s fashion for women. Because the clothing in the 60s was often patterned after that of other cultures, tribal Indian skirts or gypsy clothing and motifs were often worn. The light cotton fabrics were well suited to tie dye, or might be embroidered on the hem or around the pockets.
Such gypsy costume pieces were not readily available at the local 5 and dime and had to be handmade in the 60s. Today, you have more outlets for finding gypsy skirts like the internet, but you may also want to make your own like the women of the 60s did.
Embroidered skirt hems make a nice addition to your gypsy skirt. Yellows, golds, greens, and primary color embroidery floss were typical color choices for the skirt designs. Such lovely designs as flowers, rainbows, peace signs and the like were frequently used. However, in modern times, simple words could also be used to great effect, much like tattoos.
If you want to be really fancy you could choose to add a metallic embroidery thread to the mix. Gypsy clothing often had a metallic look, like sequins, which made them seem so mysterious and magical.
You can do this embellishing by hand with needle and thread or with a sewing machine as most typical sewing machines come with an embroidery stitch these days. Since we live in modern times, you can even pay someone to do it with an embroidery machine. This works great for gypsy costumes or hippie costumes because you can make several with the same template, but use different threads to make each costume different.
Whatever choices you make, whether you buy one new or used, or make your own, these boho skirts makes a great fashion statement. Don’t hesitate to come with your own style and idea as long as it is bohemian inspired you’re a boho chic
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