


Monday, July 9, 2012

Androgynous Style with Equipment Tops

The women have it all and more. Aside from being able to flaunt out very feminine looks, women too aren’t limited to the style of men, the androgynous look is a trend that is becoming more popular today as more women follow the look and lifestyle of androgyny.

The Practicality of Androgyny
The reason why women love the androgynous look is that it is practical. You just need a pair of trousers, a button down shirt, which you can by getting Equipment tops, and a pair of shoes. There is no need to be so flashy with androgyny and soon enough, you will master gender ambiguity if you keep this up. Despite being simple and practical, androgyny still has that air of elegance which is clearly seen with Equipment tops. If you haven’t noticed, Equipment tops are great for androgynous looks and it is absolutely gorgeous too.

Equipment Tops
If you have noticed the collection of Equipment tops, their signature shirt offers a very versatile option. The capability to be worn in different varying styles and look is what a lot of women should have in their wardrobe. Being able to wear one type of clothe to different style can be cost effective and wonderful since you don’t need to own so much clothes and fill up your wardrobe.

The quickest way to have an androgynous look with Equipment tops is to wear it with a pair of pleated trousers or shorts. The shoes have a lot to say as well, though you can make it a bit girly, going for leather flats can instantly turn you into a gorgeous androgynous woman. Keep your hair free, the androgynous lifestyle commands freedom yet also being responsible and in control. These are the women who know what they want and won’t bend to any misogynist approach in life.

Equipment tops are perfect for this kind of look as they are simple enough but also compliments to shape of the woman. The shirts in their collection can be worn in casual events or even formal ones or even at work. You can match the shirt with shorts and pants then throw in a blazer, the look of course depends on you. The androgynous look does not use too much make up but thrives in its very natural look, a laid back appeal is what’s very attractive and this look can easily pull that off.

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